Climate & Weather

The dry season is best for wildlife viewing, but the rain season is best for lakes, rivers and water falls. Holidays like Christmas and Easter are huge events in Ghana, but airfare costs much more during these dates. Plan your visit to Ghana according to your desired activities.

Ghana Climate

Ghana experiences a typical tropical climate. It is almost always hot, and the seasons are either wet or dry. As a rule, temperatures are more mild in the highlands, more humid along the coast and hotter and drier the farther north you go. Driving just 45 minutes north of Accra to Aburi marks a significant change in climate, as Aburi is in the hills which get a cooling mist most mornings and evenings.

Ghana is always a very dusty place. Bring zip-lock plastic bags for things you wish to keep dust-free. Pack a camera bag, lens cleaning cloth and a bandanna. Also avoid wearing clothing of solid colors, especially white, as it is impossible to keep clean.

Besides the temperature and humidity, the rain and the Harmattan winds are the other two significant weather events in Ghana.

Current Weather in Ghana

Accra weather
Kumasi weather
Tamale weather

Rain in Ghana

There are two rain seasons in Ghana. The heaviest rain in the south is from April until June, and a lighter rain possible during September and October. In the north, the rain season is continuous, giving rain from April until October.

Typically a rain will last for a short time, but on some days during the rain season, the entire day can be raining very hard.

Always pack accordingly and be prepared for delays when traveling during the rain season. Clothing should be fast-drying and your luggage should be able to withstand an unexpected drenching.

Harmattan in Ghana

The Harmattan is a dry, dusty wind that blows from the Sahara desert in late December and continues sometimes until early February. Most years it is somewhat pleasant because it dims the sun and decreases the humidity. Other years, a bad Harmattan day will look like a thick London or San Francisco fog - except it is dust!

The Harmattan is more intense the farther North you travel. This is actually the best time for wildlife viewing because animals congregate at the available water holes during this dry season.

You should travel with lip balm, a nasal decongestant and moisturizing lotion during the Harmattan. Shea butter is the best moisturizer for dried skin and lips. Shea butter can be found throughout Ghana, but is most easily and cheaply purchased at in the three northern regions.

Ghana Weather Summary

Here is a weather summary for three major cities: Accra, the capital on the coast, Kumasi in the center of the country, and Tamale in the Northern Region.

Month Weather 
Average Maximum Temperatures
Accra   Kumasi Tamale
January Harmattan
Cool & dusty-dry
31 88 31 88 36 97
February 2nd hottest month
Harmattan possible
31 88 33 91 37 99
March Hottest month 31 88 33 91 37 99
April Rain begins small 31 88 32 89 36 97
May Rain 31 88 31 88 33 91
June Rain 29 84 29 85 31 88
July 2nd coolest month
Small rain possible
27 81 28 83 29 84
August Coolest month
Light rain possible
27 81 27 81 29 84
September Overcast
Some light rain
27 81 28 83 30 86
October Some light rain 29 84 30 86 32 90
November Mild, Light rain 31 88 31 88 34 93
December Harmattan starts late
Cool & dusty-dry
31 88 31 88 35 95

beach sunset in Ghana

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